Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

Our country may have it's flaws and issues, but let us not forget it is our country.

Today of all days lets remember what it takes and thank those who defend the freedoms we do have. It's not about the politicians who make the decisions, it''s about the front line defenders doing their job to allow us a safe place to raise our children, a safe place to speak our opinions, and a safe place to call home.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Sometimes people wanna try"

That was the wisdom form my 2 year old this weekend when I asked her to let me put on her sandals. I was floored at first..then realized she did indeed say that and I proceeded to allow her to finish. She made me realize that sometimes I need to be a bit more patient and allow her to be a big girl.

Had a great weekend playing games with the kids and trying to go to the Michigan State Game, only to realize there were no tickets to be had, Sooooo..we walked to the local B'dubs and enjoyed some wings and "pops". A Blow OUT! 44 to 3 MSU over Montana State. Spent what may well be the last trip to the lake by the house this season as well since the weather will be changing soon. Was great fun. =)

Will be appearing 2 days this week at Applebees, Tuesday the 8th and Wednesday the 9th and will not have an appearance Tuesday the 15th as i will be attending the Server Olympics with the staff from our store competing with other stores. Looking forward to it. =)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to all.

Have a restful day and try not to labor too much. ( Well unless it is actual labor..then there really isn't much you can do about that sorry ladies.



Friday, September 4, 2009

New Ronn Lucas Safety Video

Ronn is such a talented entertainer and always a joy to watch. Also be sure to check out his website.