Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DirecTV adds with Chris Farley

Found this and must say I disagree. IF the Proper permissions were granted then why is it a problem to perpetuate the memory of a comedian who has passed?

Here is the print and the commercial:

"Some viewers are upset with DirecTV's newest commercial, a recreation of a scene in "Tommy Boy" that combines new footage of David Spade interacting with Chris Farley, who died of a drug overdose in 1997. In the classic scene from the 1995 comedy, a present-day Spade dismisses Farley's antics with the sarcastic remark, "Never gets old." Viewers on YouTube called the spot "distasteful" and a "stupid idea.""

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Songs and how they affect us

I love music, and the lyrics. This song is Sad but hopefully makes us stop for a minute to realize how we need to make time for the little things..the little one..the loved ones.

Of course we all have songs that speak to our hearts and souls and some are great memories and others are sad memories. Above all else, smile, it causes a good feeling to spread through your body and helps to cheer you up. All of us have a limited amount of time to leave our mark on this Earth and to teach our children all we can to help them along their way.

If nothing else today, tell those you love just how much it is that you love them. Smile for a moment when you feel upset or angry and feel how it changes everything.


I wish I could have been there- John Anderson

When our baby Kate was born it was the biggest day of my life
Lying there, little bows in her hair
In the loving arms of my wife
I was the proudest papa in the USA
Makin' a living on the road somewhere a thousand miles away

It was a happy day, but kinda' sad
I wish I coulda' been there
I wish I coulda' been there
I wish I coulda been there for that

Little Bobby hit his first home run
He was the hero of the home town crowd
Two to one, it was a winning run
Everybody was cheering loud
And mommy she was smilin' saying he's a chip off of the old block
But I was on the road somewhere between Memphis and Little Rock

It was a happy day but kinda' sad
I wish I coulda' been there
I wish I coulda' been there
I wish I coulda' been there for that

Now Bobby and Kate are all grown up
And moved away
They stay in touch
We're proud of the two good kids we raised
And it's hard to believe we are celebrating our twenty fifth year today
This party's nice but the kids aren't here
At least they called to say
Congratulations mom and dad

I wish we could have been there
I wish we could have been there
I wish we could have been there for that
It was a happy day, but kinda' sad
I wish they could have been there
I wish they could have been there
I wish they could have been there, for that

Monday, October 5, 2009

Zombieland Movie

My son and I saw this over the weekend, fun movie!

If you like comedies, I know your thinking, "but Chris it's a Zombie movie", it's a comedy folks! VERY fun, memorable scenes, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll tell your friends about it. Ok maybe not, but you will laugh!

Worth the price of admission.

now go, stop surfing the net, go see this movie. If we don't go to the movies who will make them and then what will we have..Monopoly on friday nights? GO GO GO
