Thursday, January 21, 2010

1996 movie Belly Talkers

A friend recently sent me this link to Sandra Luckows film Belly Talkers and I wanted to share it. I recall when they were making this WAY back when and have never been able to see the film. If anyone has seen it let me know how and where please. I checked for it but did not see it there for sale. This clip/exerpt is great and I would really like to see the whole film.

Belly Talkers (excerpt) from Sandra Luckow on Vimeo.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rush, Neil Peart interview

Rush has been my favorite band since I was but a wee lad. Hmm..I must have been 12ish..and now, at 42 I still admire their skill and love their music. The creativity and talent they possess is beyond measure to me. In an interview last wednesday January 13th Neil mentions new songs and new ideas. HE also talks about his new version of the Canadian Hockey theme. Take a look .

Neil Pert from Rush Interview here.

Here is the Video:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wes Anderson NAtional Review Acceptance speech.

This was a great way to accept this awar for his latest film "The Fantastic Mr. Fox".

Happy New year and other various and sundry items

Welcome to the new decade! Several things to talk about but first wanted to wish everyone a VERY happy New Year. I hope 2009 was a great year and wish you all the best for 2010!!

My last post of 2009 was about the Fantastic Mr. Fox and at the time I had not seen the movie. Since I have been to see it twice and must say it is a great movie. I love stopmotion animation and they did a great job with this one. I have been reading the making of the Fantastic Mr Fox book and it has some really good behind the scenes information as well. Anyone who knows me know I love to see what goes on behind the finished work as much as the finished work itself, yet in doing so does not detract from the enjoyment of the movie.

the post which is now below this one due to embedding issues is a cool award acceptance speech by Wes Anderson for the national board of review award. How creative. =)

ahh..heck fire ...tryting to post this from work and now with interuptions my train of thought has derailed.

More to come soon.