Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jeff Dunham: All By My Selves: Walter, Peanut, Achmed, and Me

Hey gang I just wanted to remind you if you haven't read Jeff's new book  "All By My Selves: Walter, Peanut, Achmed, and Me" it is a great read with a lot of funnny stories and and a wonderful insight into the world of a comedian.  The trials fo the road and the dedication it took for Jeff to get to the top of his game.  He has busted his a$$ and I admire his tenacity in doing so.  I read the book when it came out and I am now listening to the autio book while driving back and forth to the office.  Both well worth getting.

And then don'f forget his DVD's Arguing with myself and Spark of insanity.  Good comedy and fun times.

Now, grab some popcorn and a drink and go enjoy the fun of Jeff and the gang.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Catching up in 2011

Wow here it is already February 21st and it was Christmas just last wek. (or so it feels)

2011 is off and running with a lot in store for Cj and Buster.  We are making plans to get back to Fort Mitchell Kentucky in July for the annual Ventriloquists ConVention which will be a tribute to the wonderful  ventriloquist and great all around person, Jimmy Nelson.  C'mon..we all know the jimgle...N-e-s-t-l-e-s Nestles makes the very best...."Chawklit"!  Danny O'Day and Farfel are sure to be there along with his wonderful wife Betty. 

Be sure to check out the daqtes and schedule

In other areas of the varied and odd habits of a strange one I will be building a shed this spring for storage so i can reclaim my garage to have my workshop set up.  My animation table has been used as a storage stabd for 2 years now and I need to set up animation Buster's home again and get those 3 short snippets moving.  Not to mention setting up an oven to bake foam latex in and having a space to work on my molds for puppets and make ups, which is one other thing I swore I needed to do this year, more make ups. 

So with all that in the works and having the full + time day job we all know how it is easy to fall behind on personal projects..this is the new year and I will be getting those things off and running again.  After having such beautiful weather last week then getting dumped on yesterday with 10+ inches of snow it also makes me realize if I want to be able to have my workshop again it will need heat..oh yeah.  hehe

Happy Belated New Year to all and stop in again for the mishaps and misadventures of a Man and his Bear.