Monday, July 30, 2007

Name Ideas?

I am looking for suggestions for a name for the new kid in the crew. Take a look at his pics at and send me your thoughts for a fitting name.

I look forward to hearing from you with your creative naming ideas.

CJ and the Gang

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Check out the New Kid

Just wanted to share some pics I have posted on my website of the New Kid in the family. More information on my site.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

here is just one of the pictures from my Ventriloquist convention experience. the rest can be seen on my website at

Buster meets Jeff Dunham

Maiden Voyage

OK well maybe not a voyage..well yes of a sort it is..this is the first post in this new attempt at a blog. I tried a seperate blog I created with the web site account but I just don't care for it. Soooo gonna try this and see where it takes us. Keep your eyes peeled..well maybe not peeled but open anyway as I hope to post regularly..I am currently writing a post for the website about my recent trip to the 31st Annual Ventriloquist ConVention in Kentucky. It was a great time to meet new friends who share the same interests and have that same passion to play with dolls ..Oh My God did I say that>??? well toplay with Dummys..hmm..thats taboo use Ventriloquial figures in an entertaining way..yeah yeah thats the ticket. :P

Check back soon for more

CJ & Buster