Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A great visit!

Had the GREAT opportunity to spend a few hours on Monday with Tom Ladshaw. He is such a nice person and so knowledgeable on Ventriloquism and magic. We had a fun lunch with Lisa Sweasy at a great little pub in Fort Mitchel..or at least I think it was Fort Mitchell. (lol)

I guess next time I better bring my note pad I learned so many new things and neat stories about vents past and present. This was a great way to spend some time in Fort Mitchell to help with the withdrawals of wanting to go back to the Vent Haven ConVention.

Looking forward to July!! If you have never been to the Vent Haven ConVention I have to say it is such a wonderful experience that anyone interested in Ventriloquism it is well worth making the effort to get there. Last year was my first and it was so inspiring and educational..and lets not forget entertaining..or should I say Ventertaining?

Here is a group photo from the 2007 Vent ConVention. Looks fun doesn’t it? IT WAS! Now you need to join in next year =)

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