Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chips and Dip

I have been meaning to post this for a few weeks but have not. Sooo today I decided to pop in and post. I have had a tall stump in my front yard for a couple years that I always thought would be fun to try to carve..not just with a knife and or chisel but with the chainsaw ala lumberjack style (ROFL) well I started..and boy those guys make it look easy but its a real challenge to wield a chainsaw in such a way. This will take time to do but it was fun and so far the basic shap was done with only the chainsaw. Oh..the Dip in the title refers to me if you dind't get it LOL. Who would jump in the deep in with both feet into something he has never tried..uhh..ME. LOL

Oh yeah..the thoguht is an Eagle..might turn out more like a humming bird but what the heck..Gotta try! =)

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