Sunday, July 27, 2008

Vent Haven ConVention 2008

WOW what a GREAT convention it was! It was great to meet up with folks I had met last year and to meet some new ones as well. The shows and lectures were fantastic! Everyone did a great job organizing the event.

I have been busy with work but I am working on resizing all of the pictures I took and getting them posted on the website. Here is a picture of Tim and Kristen with his new figure. Kristen does GREAT work and her characters are all one of a kind. Kristens puppets are called Oddballs and Orphans and you can contact her for information on getting one of her great puppets of your own. =)

The great hospitality staff did an outstanding job of making everyone feel welcome and have a great time. There were 88 fist timers this year which is very cool. Everyone I had the chance to talk to were having such a good time it proves how wonderful this Ventriloquist community really is. Can't wait until next year! counting the days already. 352 days until Vent Haven ConVention 2009!! =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Courier journal Ventriloquism article

Great article is from the Courier Journal in Louisville Kentucky.

Read it here.

ConVention begins tomorrow, July 16th. Hope to see you there! =)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

3 days until Vent Haven ConVention 2008!!!!

Cj, Buster and Tim are watching the clock tick away the minutes until we will be heading to the Vent Haven Ventriloquist conVention! It's never too late to sign up, They allow walk ins and it is truely a great conVention! If you like to hang out with some interesting Dummies then this is the place for you. ;)

Hope to see ya there. Be sure to say Hello.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

BUSTER IN '08!!!

It is time for some change in the White House!
We have elected dummies before so now is the time for a Real Dummy to have a chance!

See the latest in the campaign for change and reform here.

Also check out the new wristbands for