Sunday, July 27, 2008

Vent Haven ConVention 2008

WOW what a GREAT convention it was! It was great to meet up with folks I had met last year and to meet some new ones as well. The shows and lectures were fantastic! Everyone did a great job organizing the event.

I have been busy with work but I am working on resizing all of the pictures I took and getting them posted on the website. Here is a picture of Tim and Kristen with his new figure. Kristen does GREAT work and her characters are all one of a kind. Kristens puppets are called Oddballs and Orphans and you can contact her for information on getting one of her great puppets of your own. =)

The great hospitality staff did an outstanding job of making everyone feel welcome and have a great time. There were 88 fist timers this year which is very cool. Everyone I had the chance to talk to were having such a good time it proves how wonderful this Ventriloquist community really is. Can't wait until next year! counting the days already. 352 days until Vent Haven ConVention 2009!! =)

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