Monday, January 19, 2009

coraline book

Went to Borders yesterday to get a copy of the book Coraline in hopes of reading it before the movie release on February 6th. Imagine my surprise to see that when I searched they had none listed as in store and most were pre-order status??? The book is not new and with a major movie release coming very soon one would think plenty of inventory would be on hand. Then my wife came strolling up with a copy of the book she had searched high and low for and found the one copy in the whole bookstore. It is not a typical book as it also contains interviews and additional material. That being said I have read about a third of it thusfar and now knowing a little of the story I am even more excited for the film!!

This weekend I also received one of the Coraline Keys as a gift from my wife. My son and I have been intrigued with the keys since reading of their mysterious appearance in random places. We even scoped out the huge standee at the theater last weekend hoping for a find. LOL. Of course we have no real idea what they mean or how they may or may not come into play as the movie opening draws near, but it's still one of the coolest movie tie ins I ever recall.


Shelley Noble said...

Your wife is the best!'

I didn't even know about the keys! do tell when you find out what they do!

The hand made boxes and these keys are such great promotions!

The Beauty and a Geek said...

Shelley I agree that they are using some interesting promotions for the film. I have searched the net for a reason behind the keys and have yet to find anything. A few comments about a scavenger hunt in January but nothing yet. The boxes are waay cool too! I can't imagine hoe awsome that must be.