Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coraline Debut and Victoria Rose

This weekend saw the opening of the Great new Stop motion animated movie Coraline and Tim and I saw it on Saturday. AWESOME movie!

On Sunday we went to the Emagine Theater in Novi, MI for a Costume contest, which we decided Saturday night at 7 to be part of. We rushed to home depot for supplies and created his Wybie costume in 3 hours. Still need to add the crank handle to the helmet and the LED's for the eyes but for a 3 hour turnaround I an satisfied.

We had the opportunity to meet Victoria Rose at the event as well. Victoria handled puppet maintenance for the film. Such a nice person and her stories were fun to hear. =)

more review to follow but for now here's a pic of Tim and Victoria.

1 comment:

jriggity said...

That costume is AWESOME MAN!!!

Almost as awesome as the movie!!

