Monday, May 11, 2009

J.J. Abrams Star Trek


ok I know this is a geek post but still! Went to see the new Star Trek on Saturday night..umm..GREAT MOVIE! I watched some of the original show when it was in reruns (really, I am not that old =P )as well as the next generation show..and enjoyed most of the movies..but hold the bus..this new film refreshes the whole "Final Frontier" for what looks to be a great ride. You don;t have to be a Trek fan to like this film, you don;t have to be a sci-fi fan to like this film...if you like a good story, and a stunning visual, coupled with great acting..this IS the film to see.

Plus..a very cool appearance of an old enterprise crew member we all love.

Worth the price of admission.

1 comment:

jriggity said...

I enjoyed it very much too!

and I am a total Trek NERD.
