Monday, November 2, 2009

Steve Johnson FX

This is sexciting stuff! Be sure to keep and eye out for more. Steve Johnson is a Top Notch artist and him sharing this information is awsome! Thanks Steve!

With Halloween having just passed thought this would fit in nicely here and his timing..well now that I think about it maybe thats why he released this when he did...Hmm..

As for myself and Halloween, well I had to work and for Saturday I decided I wanted to dress up so planned on using a zombie outfit I made a few years ago and had no makeup planned, sooooo I sculpted an appliance over an old lifemask uaing wed clay, first time trying to do an appliance makeup with Wed and it was different, will try more soon. I sculpted and made the ultracal 30 mold and made a Platsil Gel 10 appliance..but alas did not have enough time for application. But, I must say Platsil Gel 10 is very cool..I see why everyone is falling in love with it. I will get some pics up of the makeup once it's installed..I dind't have my camera when I did the sculpt so no progress pics.

HOpe eveyrone had a GREAT halloween!


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