Sunday, November 28, 2010

November update:

Hope everyone has had a wonderful November and a very Happy Thanksgiving. My November saw the return of CJ and Buster doing a Magic Show for a Red Hat Group. It was fun and Buster was the star of the show once again. They enjoyed the magic but as soon as Buster crashed the party everyone enjoyed it even more. Guess it goes to show Buster is is no dummy when it comes to entertaining the ladies.  Of course Buster had to show up with a Red Hat to show his support as well as gain brownie points with the ladies.

Winter is upon us here in the Great North and we're rapidly preparing for the snow and cold nights.

In the coming month I need to take 2 life casts and perpare some silicone prosthetics for a short film being directed by my Son Zach. This will be a nice renewal into makeup for me. I did finally use the zombie appliance I made last year for Halloween this year and it was fun scaring the trick or treaters. Heh.

1 comment:

Shelley Noble said...

Great group! Way to Go, CJ!