Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Renaissance Faire 2011

Tamara and I recently had the opportunity to attend the Michigan Renaissance Festival which is held every year typically in August and September.
It was a nice day not too hot not too cold. We both dressed in "Ren Fest" clothing to partake in the festivities.
I was disapointed to find that the Magician who I have enjoyed for years was no longer working the Faire and I did not see another magic stage show present this year. I also notice there seems to not be any Ventriloquists who perform this Faire. We made our way in and since it was lunch time we decided we needed to have one the of Monster Turkey legs which is standard fare at these events.
Being the day was warm it also made good cause to enjoy a barley pop or three. We spent the day roaming about looking in the shops and checking out their wares along with a couple shows. One of the shows I always want to see when I go to the Renaissance festival is "The Ded Bob Sho". Ded Bob has been a staple of the Michigan Renaissance Festival as long as I can remember and still draws in huge crowds. Of course the show hasn't changed much if any but the ad-libs are great and the show is just plain funny.
The show may not always be politically correct and is geared more towards adults with the politcal topics and such but it is well worth seeing and be sure to throw a "fiver" his way at the end.

We were able to make it to the last joust of the day which is always fun. This particular event was a "Vulgarian" Joust which meant the rules were there are no rules. Based on our area in the stands we had the knight in blue who hailed from Ireland.
one of the contests was hand to hand combat while mounted. The object was to knock the symbol off the top of the opponants helmet...well our Knight sure did that.
You can see in the photo how the symbol just exploded when he hit it..was pretty, pretty, pretty cool.

WE decided to attend the Renaissance Smoker this year as we had 2 yrs ago and was not disappointed. The premise is this..all adults..drinks and food and non stop fun. The irony was that with registration you recieved drinks and food and 2 cigars. Well with the new laws in Michigan you cannot smoke indoors so the Renaissance Smoker was smoke free. The Bawdy Boys host this event and it is a good time. Be sure to check them out and if you get a chance attend the Renaissance Smoker.

With the Smoker over we decided to make one last round of the shoppes before heading home.
I am excited and looking forward to next year. I even started making and cutting the steel rings to make some chain maille...who knows..(more to come)

1 comment:

Shelley Noble said...

Looks like you two had such a lovely day! Hooray!