Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dick Smith Oscar for lifetime achievement

I think it appropriate to take a minute to acknowledge that on Saturday November 12th, 2011 Mr. Dick Smith, make-up artist, was honored with an Oscar for life time achievement in make-up artistry. The ceremony had a nice tribute by J.J. Abrams and a very touching presentation by Smith protégé Rick Baker. Dick Smith has touched so many lives with his makeup knowledge but more so with his kindness and genuine love of people. My personal story goes back to July 19th, 1990 when I was a young 22 yr old kid who wanted to learn more about how to break down a full face sculpt into multiple pieces, a technique which Dick pioneered many years prior. I had read in an issue of the magazine Cinefex that Dick lived in Larchmont New York at the time so I called information and low and behold they had his number listed. I wrote it down and contemplated for a few minutes and then made the call. The voice on the other end of the line was unassuming and warm. He greeted my call like an old friend and quickly eased my nerves with his reception of a makeup enthusiast looking to the master for knowledge. 45 minutes later I had a good understanding of not only how to break down the sculpture but a great recipe for PA-X paint for my final foam latex prosthetics. This made a huge impression on me and to this day, 22 years later, I still look back on that call and smile. Yes I still have my original notes, I keep them safely stored within the binders housing Dicks course in advanced makeup, which I was fortunate to be accepted to several years later. I will share that story another time but for now, Thank you Dick for all you have done, not only for makeup but for humanity. You are an inspiration to us all. God Bless you.

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