Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

With 2011 becoming a memory and 2012 getting ready to kick off, We wanted to say thank you to everyone we had the great opportunity to spend time with, to talk to, to share with, and to learn from during 2011.

Going to the ventriloquist Convention in July is always a highlight and you can read about it in my July and August posts. It was a Wonderful tribute to the Great Jimmy Nelson. We're looking forward to seeing all of you again in July 2012 and hopefully we will have a surprise or two in store.

2012 has some interesting and fun things in store for all of us. IT continues to be the 150th commemorations of the American Civil War with some major battles such as thye Battle of Antietam in Maryland.  Lets take some time to remember those who gave all then and now to keep this great nation free.

 It is also the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812. I recently learned there was a very sizable battle that took place here in Michigan near what is now Trenton. I am looking to read more about it.

   2012 is also the year the Mayan calendar runs out so there is the scare about that. I recall when iw as in 8th grade the planets were going to align and that was supposed to cause the world to end as well, but here I am writing this blog some 30 years later, HOLY MOLEY 30 years later! where does the time go?? ha! Well my friends I think this too will pass without catastrophic events other than the man made events resulting from their paranoia. Well at least I hope so! hehe.

For now, have a VERY Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.

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