Saturday, March 17, 2012

Found Bree!

We all know Bree from the famous Lord of the Rings books. But does Bree really exist? You need look no more, I found it. While out and about one day I saw this.

After following this sign a short way I found this...

Well now I was hot on the trail of finding Bree. Following the road a bit further and iw as amazed to find the one and only city of Bree. It looked a bit less like I had imagined in the books but surprisingly similar to the Bree of the famous MMO Lord of the Rings online. (wink)

Now I can go to the Prancing pony any time I like for a Pint of Ale ..yes, it comes in pints!

Speaking of pints. Happt St. Patricks Day to all. Be sure to enjoy the day, have a green pint of ya like, eat some Corned Beef and Cabbage, and laugh until your sides hurt. Remember to love with all you have and live like there's no tomorrow every day.

Until Next time.

Laugh, Love, and Live

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