Sunday, November 25, 2007

Snerd and Baker

This weekend(friday) we went to see a couple movies. The first was Enchanted, the new Disney movie. The movie was cute and had numerous referances to other Disney classics. In one scene they had a clip from "Fun and Fancy Free" which had Edgar Bergen and Mortimer Snerd talking.

Another great thing in this movie is the Hag Make-up created by Rick Baker on Susan Serandon. Fantastic! HE is such a talent!

The other movie was MR Magoriums Wonder Imporium. I like Dustin Hoffman but wasn't too enamoured with this film. I felt it didn't tell enough of his story and then ended fairly abruptly.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Vincent/ Tim Burton

Here is a Fantastic short film by Tim Burton. Worth going back and watching again. =)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving! / First Snow of 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It snowed last night for the first time this year(that actually stuck to the ground) and so I wanted to show it to those who might not get snow and want some. LOL. Can't wait toplay in it with the Kids. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Site Changes

Spent a little bit of time re-working a little of the web site. I am trying to breakup the animation pages and sort them into a more sensible direction.

Also for Family and friends I have added Pics so go check them out as well. You know where to look :)

So take a look at the site and let me know what ya think about some of the changes. It's always good to hear from others and get suggestions and comments.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ray Harryhausens The Pit and the Pendulum

The trailer/teaser for this stopmotion animated short looks fantastic. Still have not found out if it is available for sale or not. Would LOVEto see the whole film!

Ray Harryhausen Presents; The Pit and the Pendulum short film

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Harryhausen War of the Worlds footage

I just stumbled onto this and thought it was worth passing on. It is footage animated by Ray HArryhausen for War of the worlds. It said it was test footage. If I recall, in the movie it didn't show the whole alien but only the hand..the original movie that is.

It's amazing the things you find/stumble onto on the interenet.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shop build coming along

Well I made a little progress this week witht he work shop. Yesterday I was able to get two coats of drywall primer on over 1/2 of the wall surfaces. Its harder to get things done when every area I need to work in I am moving the things in that area around. With a small area and not willing to move things into the cold area of the garage I just cope with it. But tonight I put up a shelf and made some progress finding my workbench. I will be excited to get it done and post some pics. Then I can get back to work on my stopmotion animation project. And the best part will be, I will be warm in my new workshop and can animate throughout the wintermonths unlike years past. WOOT! :D

Also if your a magian or like magic don't forget to go check out the magic cafe forums. Great resource! Steve Brooks does a stellar job witht he site.

Th-th-tha-tha..thats all folkssss!

Monday, November 12, 2007

18yr old Alien Project

I unearthed an old project while trying to get my Garage in order and building my workshop. I have posted pics and some descriptions on my site.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Meeting Jefefef Dun-Ham

After thinking I had not properly saved this picture I was very happy to find it was indeed still in my phone. October 20th my wife, son and I had the oppertunity to see Jeff Dunham perform locally. The show was great! After the show we had made arrangements for a moment to visit with jeff. He was very gracious and signed a poster for my son which is now framed and hanging on his wall in his room :) The venue did not allow cameras so we left ours in the car, I took this picture with my phone. And as I mentioned earlier I thought it was not saved properly when I went looking for it the day after the show to print it. Now imagine how excited I was to find it was indeed there and now I can share it with you. So without further delay here is one VERY excited young man surprised to be meeting Jefefef DunHam(dotcom)gotta watch the DVD to get that one LOL

As a side note he is now wanting to go to next years Vent ConVention with me :)