Friday, November 9, 2007

Meeting Jefefef Dun-Ham

After thinking I had not properly saved this picture I was very happy to find it was indeed still in my phone. October 20th my wife, son and I had the oppertunity to see Jeff Dunham perform locally. The show was great! After the show we had made arrangements for a moment to visit with jeff. He was very gracious and signed a poster for my son which is now framed and hanging on his wall in his room :) The venue did not allow cameras so we left ours in the car, I took this picture with my phone. And as I mentioned earlier I thought it was not saved properly when I went looking for it the day after the show to print it. Now imagine how excited I was to find it was indeed there and now I can share it with you. So without further delay here is one VERY excited young man surprised to be meeting Jefefef DunHam(dotcom)gotta watch the DVD to get that one LOL

As a side note he is now wanting to go to next years Vent ConVention with me :)

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