Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today I added a page to the web site for the Wybie costume my son and I made for a costume contest. take a look and tell me what ya think.


promnightzombie said...

That Is so awesome!

I've been wanting to make my own Wybie costume, do you think you can tell me how you managed to do this?

At least the mask, that's what I need help with them most.

Please and thank you! ^_^

promnightzombie said...

That Is so awesome!

I've been wanting to make my own Wybie costume, do you think you can tell me how you managed to do this?

At least the mask, that's what I need help with them most.

Please and thank you! ^_^

The Beauty and a Geek said...

PNZ- The mask is a basic welder mask from Home depot. The shape is a bit off from Wybies in the movie but thats because his is a miniature custom sculpted mask and we had to create ours using what we could find. THe disk is a stainless steel clean out cover and the lenses are various PVC fitting. hope that helps. Think it's all on my site as well.