Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jeff Dunham Videos

Jeff Dunham is such a talent. Love revisiting his DVD's for a laugh and inspiration.

If you haven't watched his comedy specials, pick em up and settle in for some great laughs. He creates such fun characters and the materials is fresh.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This 'n That

Well Tuesday night was week number 2 doing walk around magic at the local Applebees and it went well. It wasn't as busy as the previous week so next week we'll try 6:30 instead of 7:30 in hopes of more families. It was fun though and I kept busy with the folks that were there. It is good experience and exposure ..........
NOT THAT kind of exposure people!! Sheeeeh!! =P (hehe could not know me)

Also just found a cool thing on the Fangoria website. It's a live streaming viewer of the weekend of horrors vent going on this weekend. Should be cool.

As for some other things..I have not given up on Busters animated adventures and I recently built my new counter/table on which to put my animation table. Space is at a premium so i am working on ways to double duty the space I have.

Oh I was at a Dollar tree store recently and found 2 dvd's of Davey and Goliath episodes for a buck! Being as they are stop motion and since alot of folks from have talked about them and animated ON them..I could not pass it up..a buck each! Woot!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tonight marked the first of what will hopefully be many nights of walk around magic at a local family restaurant. It was well recieved and I had a great time. I am slated for Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30 and will be mixing magic, ventriloquism and balloons. Tonight I brought along Buster but he never made it out of the bag as we were having too much fun with the magic and balloons.

It will be a fun challange to have new material to add each week as well as learning new short routines suited for walk about ventriloquism as well as new quick and easy balloon creations.

Of course this also showed me the importance of gettgin a better picture for these applications. Will need to do that at the conVention in July if not before.
