Saturday, June 25, 2011

Time to Geek out for the Hobbit

Well it's looking like more and more great information is becoming available for the latest Peter Jackson Installment in the J.R.R. Tolkein's Middle Earth. I first read the Hobbit when I was in 7th grade. I remember the school year ending and there I was, mid June early 1980's and I was sitting out in the yard under a tree reading the Hobbit. Of course i did eventually finish the book and spent lots of time at the lake a bike riding but the whole time I was thinking about the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and how much i wanted to be a Hobbit myself. I did favor them a bit with my ever constant barefeet and love of fine foods. heh. Of course ever since the Hobbit I have always had a fondness of Hobbits. Most all of the characters I ever played in Dungeons & Dragons have been halflings. The character I play in Lord of the Rings online is a hobbit. I guess deep down I am a Hobbit stuck in a 6 foot tall mans body. ;)

Enough about me lets take a look at a video Peter Jackson has put out at the beginning of production of The Hobbit in new Zealand.

Sir Ian McKellen returns as Gandalf the Wizard and the role of Bilbo Baggins being played by Martin Freeman. Andy Serkis will reprise his role of Gollum and a host of new faces for the throng of Dwarves. The full list can be seen on this IMDB listing.

Without further ado here is the video blog of Peter Jackson during the days leading up to the start of filming. Enjoy.

Now go out and pick up a copy of the book and find a tree to sit in the shade and enjoy.

See you in the Shire!

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