Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

As some of you may know by now, Tamara and I had a Halloween Party on October 13th.  Well it was a Halloween Party/Wedding.  The fun part was the wedding was not mentioned in the invitations and only a handful of people knew what was going to happen.  You see, we love Halloween, and wanted to get married in costumes, is there a better way?   We did however decide to do the Cliched thing of dressing up as Frankenstein's Monster and the Bride of Frankenstein.  We did this with a variation however.  She went with straight hair and I was not green.  Later my 5 yr old daughter would say, "maybe next time you should be green".  I will try this on a future application of the makeup, for her. =D

Here is my quick outline of the steps it took to create my makeup.  I used a silicone gel filled appliance, which was very cool and flesh like.  It was also the first attempt so I learned A LOT.

It was a great time all the way around.

Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for next time.  (The makeup not the getting married part, we're done with those.  I am the luckiest man on the planet)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Little Jeff Dunham Dummy!!!!

It is finally available.  After quite some time in design and production, Jeff Dunham has released "Little Jeff'.  This is going to be THE Holiday gift for aspiring ventriloquists, Ventriloquist figure collectors, and Jeff Dunham fans alike.  With Moving mount AND eyes this is a professional featured figure at an Very affordable price.

You can get yours from Tom Ladshaws Gottle O'Geer website along with all the great collectible for the ventriloquist on your Christmas list. 

Check it out today!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our Family to yours. Wishing you a Very Happy Thanksgiving. Take some time from the busy hectic days and spend it with others and enjoy yourselves. This is a time to be thankful for what we have and not worry about that which we do not. Enjoy the conversation with family and friends, cherish these moments.

Please, while enjoying precious time with your family and friends, take a moment to remember those who cannot be home this Thanksgiving because they are deployed over seas and away from their loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. According to legend, Benjamin Franklin wanted the Turkey to be our national bird. What do you think we would be eating on Thanksgiving if that had happened?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Steve Johnson & Stan Winston School of Character Arts

Now if you have questioned whether or not to join the Stan Winston School of Character Arts stop waiting and sign up now. For the month of October they are having a special for 50% off streaming, DVD's, & Merch. Just use the discount code HALLOWEEN at check out. Now, the newly added video features Steve Johnson Legendary makeup artist and Creature Effects Fabricator Bill Bryan doing some awsome stuff! Now, get your but over the the website and check it out! Here is the preview

Saturday, September 29, 2012

MIB 3 interview with Makeup Master RIck Baker

I found this interview with Rick Baker and wanted to share it. It's always fun to learn more about what goes into creating a makeup or creature. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Great Howard Berger Interview

Here is a fantastic interview with Howard Berger of KNB FX talking about the makeup FX industry and the Stan Winston School for character arts. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Count Down to ParaNorman T-12

T-12 days Happy SUnday Blog-o-sphere! have you ever wanted to be an animator? Have you ever wondered what it was like to make a movie one frame at a time? Well here is your chance. The ParaNorman website has a VERY COOL section where you can do just that. Check it out and show us what you make: have fun..see y'all tomorrow!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Count Down to ParaNorman T-13

T-13 days to ParaNorman Release on August 17th, 2012! With the Onlympics going on this was a great clip put out by Laika for ParaNorman. Be sure to get your best zombie outift on and get ready to head to the theaters. (ok...even if you don't wear a zombie costume you should go see it August 17th) Let's Support our Stopmotion animators.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Count down to ParaNorman T-14

T-15 days to ParaNorman Release August 17th, 2012 Here is a great clip with the Director Sam Fell. I think most of us would LOVE to "Play" for a living as well. If we're not doing what we love each and every day of our lives I thnk we need to be doing something every day to get closer to that dream. I guess it's time for me to make room to set up my animation table and get my puppets moving again. :) Have a Great day!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Count down to ParaNorman T-15

T-15 days and counting. Here is the official Trailer. How can you not be excited about this Stop motion movie release? I know my whole family is wanting to go on opening day..and we will :) Enjoy

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Count down to ParaNorman T-16

Agust 1st, 2012 and only 16 days until ParaNorman releases in Theaters. This looks to be another Winning film by Laika Studios done in Wonderful stop motion animation! I am excited to see the newest creations of this creative tams and in watching some of the trailers I see some of the folks from in them. Exciting! Join me in the countdown won't you. and be sure to check out their website for lots of cool downlaods and behind the scenes clips.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Paranorman Coming soon! WOOT!

Here is a great video of making Norman.

Check it out and then be sure to go see the movie August 17th!

While you're waiting to see the movie, go check out the official website. CJ

Sunday, July 29, 2012

2012 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention

Well another great Ventriloquist conVention has come and gone.  This year proved to be a wonderful time!  The ConVention was held in a new location, The Greater Cincinnati airport Marriot, which is actually in Heron Kentucky.  The new venue was great!  The airconditioning worked, the rooms were clean and comfortable, and everyone was in such a better mood as result of it.  This year my mother joined us and had a good time watching the shows and meeting new dummies and their vent figures too.

The Lectures were good, the dealers rooms were packed full of goodies, and the restaurant was in the hotel as well making it a one stop trip for most.  It was nice to get to see Tom ladshaw and his wonderful better half Leslye Hunter.  Tom is the premier ventriloquist historian, I am amazed at his wealth of knowledge on the subject.  Jeff Dunham gave his annual lecture on ways to improve our acts and art.  He then garciously signed for all those in line, yes were got in line too. :)

The Museum tours are always a wonderful highlight of the trip.  Be sure to check it out if your in the northern kentucky area, or even if your not, it's WORTH THE TRIP!
Be sure to check out the cool new logo items the Museum has as well, like this rockin' hat modeled here. ;)

Check out the Museum website for more information.

We are looking forward to next year already!  Be sure to mark the days on your calendar  July 17-20, 2013.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rush- Clockwork Angels

The latest Album(CD) CLOCKWORK ANGELS, has been out for a week now and it is Great. 
Back to a style of the past the whole album is a story.
Great music with some new and old sounds.

Pick it up, you won't be dissapointed.

Here is an interview with Geddy Lee about the new album.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Here is a wonderful interview with Candice Bergen on the Rock Center Show with Brian Williams. Candice is best known for her role on the hilarious comedy Murphy Brown also known by many as Charlie McCarthy's little sister. The daughter to Great Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, Candice grew up in a household filled with the wonder and sarcasm of Edgar and Charlie. In my youth I always envied her and how she was around the duo. As she states she wasn't always as enamoured. Enjoy this great interview and tell us wat you think.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Men in Black 3 hit theaters on Friday May 25th.

I have always been a fan of the series creativity and the fact that it is a great display of alien makeups. All 3 installments have been outfitted with wonderful Aliens by the makeup artistery of Rick Baker and his talented crews. Be sure to check out the current issue of Makeup Artist Magazine for some behind the scenes looks at the aliens.
I must admit I was a bit concerned that it seemed someone else was playing "K" in this installment but the story made sense and I have to admit that Josh Brolin did a great job as a younger "K". Tommy Lee Jones never fails to amuse me with his nick names for "J", played by Will Smith who also brings in the laughs and character to the film. Some great back ground is revealed as well.
Rick Baker has appeared in makeup as an alien in each of the three installments.

Be sure to check it out. let me know what ya think.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lighthouse senior luncheon May 16th, 2012

I had the great opportunity to perform for a great group on Wednesday the 16th at the Lighthouse of Pontiac. The Lighthouse provides assistance for those in need. Food, financial, or utility assiatance. They put on a luncheon for the Seniors once a month and We volunteered to be the entertainment for May. May is also the last show for the summer months until they resume in the fall so we were in for a treat. There were about 25-30 guests and I performed closeup magic for them while they were arriving and then did a stage show for the group. After lunch Jack and i walked around to thank them for coming. They were responsive and laughed and had a good time. It was fun for tamara and I to provide entertainment to those in attendance.
We are looking forward to going back in the fall.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fun trick of the mind and eyes

Check this out. If you play the slide show and stare at the cross in the middle it makes these otherwise good looking people look.well..different. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Geico Lizard has become a Ventriloquist

This is a great new Geico Commercial. Yeah I know I am biased because it's Ventriloquist related, but its also fun. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Well it is finally here and well worth the wait!

The Avengers Movie hit the theaters Friday May 4th to a great opening weekend.

We had the chance to go see it tonight and were not disapointed.
The action is awsome the story was fantastic and the visualas were stunning.
I would/will see this in theaters again and I know we will get it on blu-ray as soon as it's out.

If you have seen it, what did you think?

Drop me a note.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Caine's Arcade

This is a wonderful story.

Please watch this and let it inspire you to follow your dreams.

Way to go Caine!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hoppy Easter

CJ, Buster and the Gang wanted to wish everyone a Very Hoppy Easter.  May all your baskets flow over and your jelly beans taste delicious.

Be sure to make time for Family and sprituality in your own way.

And lest we forget the classic Rankin & Bass specials, here is a reminder of those wonderful days,

Have a Wonderful Easter!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Vent Haven Fund Raiser Ventriloquist Show

Coming up soon is a great event for a great cause. Be sure to check out

Emcee'd by Tom Ladshaw and featuring Kevin Johnson, Mike Hemmelgarn, and Megan Piphus.

This looks to be a Fantastic show and I highly recommend that if any of you can make that you go for the fun and also to support the Vent Haven Museum.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patricks Day from Oscar and Roxy

Getting set to enjoy the day, Roxy and Oscar are dressed and ready to take on the excitement that is, St. Patricks Day.

Roxy and Oscar would also like to remind you;

"Don't be a Dummy, Enjoy responsibly"

Found Bree!

We all know Bree from the famous Lord of the Rings books. But does Bree really exist? You need look no more, I found it. While out and about one day I saw this.

After following this sign a short way I found this...

Well now I was hot on the trail of finding Bree. Following the road a bit further and iw as amazed to find the one and only city of Bree. It looked a bit less like I had imagined in the books but surprisingly similar to the Bree of the famous MMO Lord of the Rings online. (wink)

Now I can go to the Prancing pony any time I like for a Pint of Ale ..yes, it comes in pints!

Speaking of pints. Happt St. Patricks Day to all. Be sure to enjoy the day, have a green pint of ya like, eat some Corned Beef and Cabbage, and laugh until your sides hurt. Remember to love with all you have and live like there's no tomorrow every day.

Until Next time.

Laugh, Love, and Live

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Peter Jackson Blog #6 The Hobbit Production

Here is the latest and greatest in the on-going Blog of the making of the much anticipated film, The Hobbit. I for one am very excited to see this coming together and cannot wait to see this on the big screen next December. For now, enjoy the behind the scenes and we'll see you, at the movies.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Hobbit- Peter Jackson Vlog #5

Another installment of the production of the much anticipated adaptation of the Prelude to the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, The Hobbit. I have been waiting for this movie for years and I am SO excited that it will be released this year. Join me in watching the Peter Jackson Blog video of production of the Hobbit.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Brave- by Pixar

Looks really good. I am a traditionalist in as much as I prefer Stop Motion Animation,. howver this looks good and the story sounds great.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2112 Rush

In honor of today being 2-1-12 here is the fantastic song by the Legendary rock group RUSH. 2112 was then and is now a great piece of music! When they originally put it out they caught flack for making a song that ws over 20 minutes long. They have always been ground breakers and true musicians.

Enjoy and happy 2112

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Early Jeff Dunham

Here is agreat clip I stumbled onto on Youtube and must say I have watched a lot of Jeff Dunahm videos for years but have never saw this one.  Early Peanut and Jeff along with a baby?  hmm..Paris love child?  Maybe..just watch.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention

Be sure to check out the line up and details for this years Ventriloquist ConVention.

I am excited for the new venue and the appearance of Ronn Lucas at this years ConVention. It is also a great time to see those wonderful people I do not get to see throughout the year.

Chec out the Vent Haven conVention web site here.

Jeff Dunham on Bill O'reilly

I am sure I posted this before but I really think the short clip of Jeff when he was 13(I believe he said it was when he was 13 in his book) with Bill O'Reilly show how great his skill is and his character Monty Ballew.  Obviously Jeff has gone on to make comedy history and deservedly so.  His dedication to his dreams and hard work prove you can achieve your goals if only you stick to it and strive for greatness. 

Way to go Jeff!

Side note:  Just heard an interview with Jeff on Opie and Anothony on youtube and he said he was 14 in the interview.