Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 8

Saturday July 16th

After being lazy bums and going for Starbucks we made our way to 33 West Maple for the coveted Vent Haven Museum tour. The gem that is Vent Haven goes unnoticed I am sure by some who drive by while others from around the world make way to the Mecca of ventriloquism. Since it is against policy to publish photos of the inside of the museum I will say this..Go! You will not regret it! (To those who don't know this policy; read the posting in the buildings and please repsect them)

W.S. Burger and all who have followed in his footsteps have done a Stellar job of preserving our heritage and history. With many figures and books, photos and displays of all things Ventriloquism you could spend days and not truely see it all.

If I lived near there I would have to pay rent because I would be there more then home.

It was nice to see Jimmy Nelson sitting, relaxing by the newly named Jimmy Nelson building and to be able to get a personalized drawing from Kelly Asbury, author od Dummy days.
Of course as always Mark and Chris Donahoe were at the road greeting folks as they came to the Mueseum. Mark and Chris are two great guys who make the ConVention a blast every year.

We finished up this years tour and headed back to the Drawbridge to get a good seat for the upcoming Jeff Dunham Lecture.."Write a 5 minute act with Jeff and the guys" presented by Who else? Terry fator...nah just kidding..Terry had already left the day before. Seriously, Jeff Dunham puts together a lecture every year to present and this years lecture was a treat for many reasons...'ll have to come back for the next installment to find out why ;)

See you there..or the case may be.


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