Friday, August 5, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 9

Saturday July 16th

"Write a 5 minute act with Jeff and the guys".

After the Vent Haven Tour we made our way back to the Drawbridge to get a good seat for Jeff Dunhams lecture. Each year Jeff does a lecture and this year he was excited to share so many news things with the Vent community. Before getting into the topic of writing a 5 minute Vent act he shared with us his excitement of a new technology called 3D printing. 3D pritngin has been around for a few years but has come a long way. He showed us some things he had printed such as a pair of Charlie McCarthy hands, a Brain Gear that worked as printed along with a working cresent wrench! When i say working I mean they had moving parts that worked after being printed! Too Cool!

It was very cool to see his pure excitement over this new technology and how it can be used. He was like a kid with a new toy and it was neat.

Jeff also shared with us that there will be a new Comedy Central special coming out on September 25th with the dvd being out the following Tuesday. Well I preordered my bluray already and you can too. It will be sure to be another great show with Jeff and our friends Walter, Peanut, Jose, and ??? There will be some new surprises in store and a reintroduction of an older routine that I am very excited to see..lets just say Peanut is taking Jeff on to prove he can be a Ventriloquist too. Peanut will introduce his "Little Dummy" and do his routine. Having said that Jeff told the group of his hope to have 'Little JD' available for sale in stores by the end of the year, which would be Extremely Cool! Lets keep our eyes open for them at Christmas time. I know I want 1..or 2..
If my excitement for this new special and the potential for a cool new "Little JD" vent figure aren't obvious let em say this..I Am excited about this! Jeff has done SO much to bring Ventriloquism back into the forefront and prove it can be cool again. Thank you Jeff!

By now your saying..what happened to the "5 minute act"? Well we did spend about 5 minutes going over the key points of writing and putting a 5 minute act together and it was, as always, good information, but by now everyone was a buzz with the new Comedy Central special, 3D printing technology, and"Little JD" that there wasn't much time left. Great presentation Jeff.

After Jeffs Presentation it was time for the "All Star Show"...

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