Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 6

OOps I seem to have put up installment 7 before 6. Here is number 6 out of order. Boy is my face not really..enjoy.

Friday July 15th

Today was a highlight as it was Group Photo day and allows for everyone to meet and take photos with others and their puppets/figures. This year they were filming for a new documentary so they took the photo then staged the coming and going of vents as they came for the group shot. Should be interesting ;)

Bob Rumba’s lecture on “taking creative photos” was very interesting and fun to watch his creativity in action. Bob uses so many interesting promo photos and has SO many characters and looks. Bob is multi talented as a ventriloquist, magician, balloon creations and Great impressions of such noted personalities as Ed Sullivan, Barney Fife, Charlie Chaplin, and many more.

At 3:30 we were treated to “A conversation with Terry Fator”. Terry shared his thoughts on vent and his success. Some inside stories of his characters and the process of being on America got talent. Terry then brought out Winston for some quick exchanges. The new Winston is a beautiful puppet and would be great to see more of him. After the conversation between terry and Mark Wade Terry made himself available for photos and autographs. This is where things were not so organized and really made me realize how immature some adults can be. The guy I was sitting next to started pushing me to rush the stage while I was behind the camera crew and had no where to go. He then began swearing at the gentleman next to him who was just trying to catch up to his wife who he had become separated from. Tamara was about 5 people ahead of me so I just stayed back and got her picture with Terry and made for the door. I guess my point was patient everyone will get the chance for a picture if they are just patient. I thought everyone was mature and adult, I thought wrong in this case. LOL

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