Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 2

The first day of the ConVention was Wednesday July 13th. We hit the road about 11:00 am for the 4 1/2 hour drive. Roxie and Buster in the back seat and we no sooner pulled out of the drive way that Buster was causing trouble. The infamous phrase "stop touching me", "I'm not touching you" was all we heard for the first few miles..then the excitement must have worn off and they settled in for the drive.

Along the way we decided we needed to stop for lunch so we began to scan the area for a potential place to stop. in the it a McDonalds? a Burger King?'s a Bob Evans..yeah..Bob Evans would be better then one of those quickie drive thrus right? well..maybe not in this case. We decided that the Angus Burger looked juicy and tasty.."lets try that!". When it arrived at our table it was the most listless..tasteless..dried out thing you have ever seen..we couldn't help but laugh. Medium typically means pink in the middle..but not them it means burned thru and thru. LOL. Not being one to complain about things in fear f what will happen in the kitchen we struggled through it as best we could.

With the dried out burger escapade behind us we hit the road stop..Fort Mitchell Kentucky.

we arrived in town around 4:30-5:00 and went to the hotel to drop off our luggage before going to register at the conVention.

Arriving at the Drawbridge Inn around 5:30 we made out way to Canterbury Hall and signed up for the 4 days of Ventrilquial goodness.

The schedule was sure to be a full one and we were there in time for the opening night show. The show is always started with a great introduction from mark Wade the ConVention Chairman. mark has Charied this ConVention for many years and he and his staff work endless hours to prepare the event and this year would be no exception. The show was Mc'd by Bob Hamill and Phillp Jones and they were hilarious. Between the great Mind reading act and the polyphoney by seargent sound the fun was mounting. The acts for the Wednesday night show were Mike Hemmelgarn with a juggling comedy and vent routine, Neale Bacon with his friends which included a little girl figure he is putting back into the act, and closing the show was pete Michaels who did a great routine with his little poveroti character. It was a great show to open the festivities.

After the opening show there was a panel discussion on "The Importance of Women in Ventriloquism". The panel was hosted by Lynn Trefzger and also featured, Sylvia Fletcher, Liz VonSeggen, Mary Kingly and Peggy MIller. It was interesting to hear the thoughts and experiences from the ladies perspective.

After the panel discussion the dealers rooms opened and boy were they jam packed with people clammoring to find the newest, neatest, coolest thing in all of ventriloquism. My first stop was the Gottle O geer table which is Tom Ladshaws table. Tom is a great guy and is always there along with his better half Leslye to provide us with the coolest collectibles. If I knew just a fraction of the ventriloquism history Tom knows I'd be a genius..Tom is a great historian of the ventriloquial art.

Tom has such a great collection of publications and collectibles for sale that I can spend hours scanning through them. While I was looking through old Oracles and IBV publications Tamara spotted Sammy King and of course had to get her picture with Sammy. Sammy is a great Ventriloquist who in 2009 retired his act with Fransisco and donated his life long pal to the Vent Haven Museum.

More to come...

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