Monday, July 25, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 5

The room was buzzing with excitement. It was Thursday July 14th and this was sure to be a special night at the 35th annual Vent Haven ventriloquist ConVention.

On Wednesday the attendees were treated to an hour with Jimmy and Betty Nelson as guests of honor. Tonight is when part 1 of the two night tribute began. Along with Jimmy and Betty were their sons, daughters, and one of their grand children. The tribute opened with Bob Isaacson and "Donny O'Day", Danny's twin brother/stunt double (well maybe) and presenting Jimmy with a gift pocket watch from the Nestle company.
(sorry for the photo was trying not to use the flash)

After Bobs' presentation Tom Ladshaw brought Jimmy and Betty onto the stage.
Next came a presentation by Tom Ladshaw to Jimmy of the original Texaco hat he wore back during his days doing commercials for the texaco hour. Jimmy said the hat didn't fit him as it once did but said Danny's hat still fit him just fine, go figure.

Tom then introduced their children who were in the audience and asked them to share any stories they had of growing up in the Nelson household. The stories were great and we found out Jimmy makes some of the best pancakes ever!
After a great presentation and brief history of Jimmys career in entertainment were were treated to a visit from our old friends Danny O'Day and Farfel.
The smile on everyones face was fantastic but more so the smile on Jimmy's face when he was talking to his life long partners. Priceless.

After part 1 of this tribute it was time to relax and enjoy the company of the hospitality suite once more..LOVE it!

More to come....

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