Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 7

Friday July 15th continued..

After Dinner break was part 2 of the Jimmy Nelson tribute. We were there as early as we could to try to get a better seat for the presentation. The presentation was opened with a special film called “70 minutes of laughter” which was made by Tom Ladshaw and was a wonderful snapshot tribute to Jimmy. We laughed at the videos of Jimmy and the gang, which are timeless. After the film Mark Wade introduced Jimmy to a Standing ovation.

Mark then introduced the mayor of Fort Mitchell Kentucky who proclaimed July 15th 2011 Jimmy Nelson Day in Fort Mitchell.

Terry Fator then read a letter from, I believe it was Nestles in appreciation of all the years of service with the Nestle company.

Next up Albert Alfero presented Jimmy with a bronze bust that Al sculpted and had cast of Jimmy.

Kelly Asbury read a letter from the Kentucky House of Representatives, apparently their spell check doesn’t know the difference between utmost and almost, but it was a good laugh and a nice gesture anyway.

Now it was Jay Johnsons turn to present a letter to Jimmy. This letter was from the ..(drum roll) the White house. It was a nice letter however it made it sound as if Jimmy was retired, which we hope isn’t the case for a very long time.
Jeff Dionise is the art director for USA today and the artist who created the great tribute poster for this special event. Jeff presented Jimmy with a one of kind poster to commemorate this special tribute to Jimmy.

Mark Wade presented Jimmy with a special award for his years in entertainment and his unending contributions to the art of Ventriloquism and contributions to the ConVention year after year.

Brook Brooking, President Vent Haven Museum, was up next. He presented Jimmy with a special plaque proclaiming Jimmy the “Dean” of ventriloquism, which is a tribute he greatly deserved with all of his contributions to the art of ventriloquism as well as his continued dedication to the museum on the board of advisors and his inspiration to SO many ventriloquists.

Jeff Dunham, who was and is inspired to be a ventriloquist by Jimmy’s record “instant Ventriloquism’ now joined them on the stage. Jeff shared his appreciation for Jimmys inspiration and then presented Jimmy with a true mark of appreciation as agreed upon by the vent Haven Board of Directors and advisors. The special display building is now officially, The Jimmy Nelson Building. Jimmy, you earned this!

What a great Tribute to an even greater man and his family. Jimmy and Betty Nelson are two of the sweetest people you could ever meet. We are blessed to have had the opportunity to meet him and share in this special tribute.
With the tribute wrapped up the convention continued on with the vent haven Raffle. The raffle is always a fun event with advisors running around for about 10-15 minutes selling tickets in a frenzy. There are always nice figures raffled as well as numerous other vent (and some non vent) related items. Unfortunately Tamara nor I were lucky enough to win but that’s ok as the raffle ticket sales go directly to help Vent Haven.

With all of the excitement we now made way to the dealers’ rooms again for one more pass then back to the hospitality suite for laughs and camaraderie.

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