Saturday, July 23, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 4

Thursday July 14th. Day 2 of the 35th Annual Ventriloquist ConVention.

The schedule for these events is jam packed with lectures and events for every type of performer or hobbyist. The first lecture we attended was "Generating Great Ideas for vents" with Mark wade (who is a great man, more on this later) and Ken Groves. They covered tips and advice to make your shows and presentations better and different from the norm, if there is a norm when it comes to ventriloquists.

During the lecture Mark made an announcement with Steve Axtell about a great new product from Axtell Expressions called "Mic Mouth". This is a new take on having a mouth ON a volunteer instead of strapping a whole face onto the victim...I mean willing volunteer you simply hold a microphone in front of them. This will be a great seller for Axtell! I plan on ordering one as well. Great job Steve!!

Here is a youtube video of...Mic Mouth.

After lunch was the Junior Open Mic. We were impressed by the talent these young vents had and how creative the routines were. Great job Juniors!

After a short break the Senior open mic began. Now I know it's called senior open mic but it's not only for geriatric ventriloquists. Had to make sure you understaood ;) The senior open mic was hosted by Al Getler who did a great job of introducing the acts and a short interview after ward. Unfortunately we were not able to watch many of the Seniors as Tamara was asked to an interview..she can tell more about that but I must say I was proud of her for going to it and doing it, being a new vent and all..she did great.

After the Senior open mic was a round table discussion on "What makes a pro?" hosted by Al Getler with panelists Sammy King, Al Semok, Don Bryan, Dan Horn, Pete Micheals and Peggy Miller. The discussion was focused on what aspects of performing and ventriloquism are what defines a person as a "pro".

After the round table was dinner break. We were joined by Tom Lane for dinner at Sweet Basil a thai food place that is just awsome!

After dinner we hurried back for what was to be a beggining to the wonderful tribute to the one and only Jimmy Nelson.

Stay tuned...

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