Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

With 2011 becoming a memory and 2012 getting ready to kick off, We wanted to say thank you to everyone we had the great opportunity to spend time with, to talk to, to share with, and to learn from during 2011.

Going to the ventriloquist Convention in July is always a highlight and you can read about it in my July and August posts. It was a Wonderful tribute to the Great Jimmy Nelson. We're looking forward to seeing all of you again in July 2012 and hopefully we will have a surprise or two in store.

2012 has some interesting and fun things in store for all of us. IT continues to be the 150th commemorations of the American Civil War with some major battles such as thye Battle of Antietam in Maryland.  Lets take some time to remember those who gave all then and now to keep this great nation free.

 It is also the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812. I recently learned there was a very sizable battle that took place here in Michigan near what is now Trenton. I am looking to read more about it.

   2012 is also the year the Mayan calendar runs out so there is the scare about that. I recall when iw as in 8th grade the planets were going to align and that was supposed to cause the world to end as well, but here I am writing this blog some 30 years later, HOLY MOLEY 30 years later! where does the time go?? ha! Well my friends I think this too will pass without catastrophic events other than the man made events resulting from their paranoia. Well at least I hope so! hehe.

For now, have a VERY Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tim Minchin Comedy

I heard of Tim Minchin while driving home listening to a comedy channel on the radio. Went on you tube and found so much more of his material. He is quite funny.

This has become one of our favorites.


Monday, December 19, 2011


OK,this looks great! Not sure how I missed the this before but next August is going to see another GREAT animation from Laika, same people who made Coraline, called ParaNorman. Check out the trailer below and as I learn more I will post it here.


(thought I posted this on the 5th but somehow it was saved as a draft. Oooops! )

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jay Johnson on the MDA Labor Day Telethon

Great performance by Jay Johnson and his friend, the Worlds only Genus Reptilious Articulous. (If I spelled that correctly hehe).

Jay has fantastic lip control and brings his characters to life with such apparent ease. A great inspiration to Vents as well as VERY entertaining to all who get the chance to see him perform.

Check out his one man show, "The Two and Only" if you get the chance.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Edgar Bergen Creates his lovable characters

This is a great clip from the AMC special on Bergen. Not too sure all of the details are 100% correct but a great clip non the less.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jeff Dunham ABC Interview

Here is a great interview with Americas leading entertainer, Jeff Dunham.


Check out his website for tour dates and cool stuff.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Another Songify

Here is another great songify video.

And remember,

"Reality hits you hard Bro."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


OK so Tim and I were taling and he had to show me this. Hilarious! These guys will "Songify" about anythying and a lot of it is funny as heck.

Check out Chalrie Sheens new hit !

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pirates! Band of Misfits by Aardman animation

It's so great to see a new Stop Motion animated movie coming out. I originally posted the trailer a few months ago but here it is again with a 2nd video of great behind the scenes.

Here is the trailer , enjoy!

Here is the behind the scenes of the Latest Aardman adventure due out Spring of 2012, The Pirates! Band of misfits.

Check it out.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jeff Dunham Biography Special

Tonight there will be a special on the Biography channel about Jeff Dunham and his career as a Ventriloquist. I have read the book and listened to the audio version and I know Jeff has worked hard to get where he is and even harder to maintain it. This looks like a wonderful behind the scenes look into his world through the good and bad times. I am looking forwad to seeing this.

Kudos to you Jeff!

here is a clip from the special.

And if you haven't read his book yet, grab a copy and I promise you will love it!

Have a Great day!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dick Smith Oscar for lifetime achievement

I think it appropriate to take a minute to acknowledge that on Saturday November 12th, 2011 Mr. Dick Smith, make-up artist, was honored with an Oscar for life time achievement in make-up artistry. The ceremony had a nice tribute by J.J. Abrams and a very touching presentation by Smith protégé Rick Baker. Dick Smith has touched so many lives with his makeup knowledge but more so with his kindness and genuine love of people. My personal story goes back to July 19th, 1990 when I was a young 22 yr old kid who wanted to learn more about how to break down a full face sculpt into multiple pieces, a technique which Dick pioneered many years prior. I had read in an issue of the magazine Cinefex that Dick lived in Larchmont New York at the time so I called information and low and behold they had his number listed. I wrote it down and contemplated for a few minutes and then made the call. The voice on the other end of the line was unassuming and warm. He greeted my call like an old friend and quickly eased my nerves with his reception of a makeup enthusiast looking to the master for knowledge. 45 minutes later I had a good understanding of not only how to break down the sculpture but a great recipe for PA-X paint for my final foam latex prosthetics. This made a huge impression on me and to this day, 22 years later, I still look back on that call and smile. Yes I still have my original notes, I keep them safely stored within the binders housing Dicks course in advanced makeup, which I was fortunate to be accepted to several years later. I will share that story another time but for now, Thank you Dick for all you have done, not only for makeup but for humanity. You are an inspiration to us all. God Bless you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hobbit - Peter Jackson Vlog post #4

Here is the latest in the video Blogs/Vlogs from Peter Jackson during the making of his next adventure into Middle Earth, The Hobbit. I am SO anxious to see this film! I fell in love with Middle Earth and Hobbits when I was in 7th grade and read the hobbit and Lord of the rings. I have to admit I really enoy the books, films, and all things Hobbits. Looking forward to the release of The Hobbit in December of 2012, Wow I hope it comes out before 12/21/12 when the Inca Calendar stops. I love the behind the scenes stuff for the makeup and the insite in the 3D process they are using. Good stuff. Anywhooo enjoy the video and support Middle Earth and Hobbits. ;)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Well here it is..23 minutes left of this, our favorite time of year. We're sad to see it go but we had a blast this year. We began decorating the house in September and kept on right through today. This year we were surprised to have Zac, Shawna, Nick and kristina join us. All in costume. Tamara was a Zombie and I must say a damn good looking one ;) I decided to do a mad deformed scientist theme. We had the Neighbors over for dinner, which was very nice, I look forward to having them over more. Good people. Buster had to have a costume this year as well so of course he wanted to be a Ghost"Buster", we thought it was a great idea and got his the costume. heh.

Here are the pics from our night, Enjoy! We did!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 and OH!

Yes folks..THE Detroit Lions are 5 and 0 on the season! This is the first time since 1956 and we're loving it. They have finally put together a team with potential AND the ability to harness that potential. They have ahd skilled players before but they were never able to capatalize on them.

Go Lions!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Thing!

I am not usually too thrilled by sequals, however the latest remix of "The Thing" looks like it will be a worthy follow-up, or prequal as th case may be, to the original John Carpenter version from 1982. The effects for the original were created by Rob Bottin, a fantastic makeup artist! I imagine a lot of the effects in the newest installment will be computer generated.

I am looking forward to seeing this next weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Jeff Dunham Controlled Chaos!!!!!

Remember to check out the Newest Jeff Dunham special Controlled Chaos on Sunday September 25th!

In Typical Jeff Dunham fashion this will be a Fantastic show! Dont miss it!

Here is a clip with Peanut and one of the newest charatcers Little Jeff, check it out...

Remember to check out too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Renaissance Faire 2011

Tamara and I recently had the opportunity to attend the Michigan Renaissance Festival which is held every year typically in August and September.
It was a nice day not too hot not too cold. We both dressed in "Ren Fest" clothing to partake in the festivities.
I was disapointed to find that the Magician who I have enjoyed for years was no longer working the Faire and I did not see another magic stage show present this year. I also notice there seems to not be any Ventriloquists who perform this Faire. We made our way in and since it was lunch time we decided we needed to have one the of Monster Turkey legs which is standard fare at these events.
Being the day was warm it also made good cause to enjoy a barley pop or three. We spent the day roaming about looking in the shops and checking out their wares along with a couple shows. One of the shows I always want to see when I go to the Renaissance festival is "The Ded Bob Sho". Ded Bob has been a staple of the Michigan Renaissance Festival as long as I can remember and still draws in huge crowds. Of course the show hasn't changed much if any but the ad-libs are great and the show is just plain funny.
The show may not always be politically correct and is geared more towards adults with the politcal topics and such but it is well worth seeing and be sure to throw a "fiver" his way at the end.

We were able to make it to the last joust of the day which is always fun. This particular event was a "Vulgarian" Joust which meant the rules were there are no rules. Based on our area in the stands we had the knight in blue who hailed from Ireland.
one of the contests was hand to hand combat while mounted. The object was to knock the symbol off the top of the opponants helmet...well our Knight sure did that.
You can see in the photo how the symbol just exploded when he hit it..was pretty, pretty, pretty cool.

WE decided to attend the Renaissance Smoker this year as we had 2 yrs ago and was not disappointed. The premise is this..all adults..drinks and food and non stop fun. The irony was that with registration you recieved drinks and food and 2 cigars. Well with the new laws in Michigan you cannot smoke indoors so the Renaissance Smoker was smoke free. The Bawdy Boys host this event and it is a good time. Be sure to check them out and if you get a chance attend the Renaissance Smoker.

With the Smoker over we decided to make one last round of the shoppes before heading home.
I am excited and looking forward to next year. I even started making and cutting the steel rings to make some chain maille...who knows..(more to come)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Axtell Magic Moments Sylvia Fletcher

Back again with a great video from Axtell Expressions and their "Magic Moments" series which were shot at the Annual Vent Haven ventriloquist conVention. Here Sylvia Fletcher shares a "Magic Moment" with Steve Axtell and the wonderful Axtell Duck character.

Enjoy the video then you can go to Steves website for more magic moments and great puppets!

Thanks for stopping and by and be sure to visit Axtell Expressions

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Axtell Expressions Magic Moments with Brad Cummings

Here is a treat!

The continued series of Magic Moments with Steve Axtell of Axtell Expressions and this installmant is a Great moment with the one and only, Brad Cummings. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. The go to Steves website for more Magic Moments and great puppets!

Do you want to learn more about Ventriloquism? Check out the Vent Haven Museum Website.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Axtell Magic Moments Lynn Trefzger-Joy

Lynn is a wonderful Ventriloquist and a great lady. I met her the first year I went to the convention and she was very friendly and made this "Red Dotter" feel welcome. Skip ahead 2 years and tamara and I were there and when Lynn Performed she had tamara come up on stage for her routine with 3 audience members. Tamara was the sultry one who "Liked Orange", Good times.

Thanks to Steve and Lynn for another wonderful, "Magic Moment".

For more magic Moments and great puppets go to Steves web site Axtell Expressions (just click it know you want to and you will not find better quality puppets it!) =)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Axtell Magic Moments

Stev Axtell is posting some great videos of various ventriloquists and how they see a character right after it is handed to them off the shelf. Defining the character quickly and brning them to life.

Here is my buddy Bob Abdou and his, magic Moment video.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Great Axtell video

Check out this great video from with Steve Axtell and Pete Michaels. Watch this and then you'll want to order one of the great Monkey puppets from Axtell.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Neil Peart Drum Solo

I know i have posted Rush posts before and I know I will again but every time I see a Drum Solo by Neal Peart I am just in awe. This news article explains how Neil stays in shape and the video below shows the results.

It doesn't get any better then this!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There is still time

Summer is going by quickly and fall will be here soon. There is still time to visit the greatest museum collection of ventriloquism history, The Vent Haven Museum. Located in Fort Mitchell Kentucky it is near the Greater Cincinnati airport and easy on and off the free way.

Contact them if you'd like to arrange a visit. I will be happy to answer any questions I can as well. This is such a wonderful tribute to ventriloquism and well worth your tax deductible donations and a visit to the museum will make you come back again and again.

Check it out!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stooges facts

Found a great site with some fun Stooges facts. Check it out here.

When I was younger I recall doing veerything I could to stay up late and watch the Stooges when they were on at Midnight. I used to mark off the episodes I had watched in hopes of one day watching them all. Well I don;t know if I ever did see them all but any time I see them on the television iw ill stop and watch. Classic comedy of the ages. And to thnk..not once did I hit anyone on the head with a pipewrench or poke their eyes out..whats wrong with me?!?!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pirates!! band of Misfits

OK I stumbled onto this and had to pass it on.

A new stop motion animated film by Aardman coming out in 2012!!


Looks cool.

Check it out!


(yeah, I love this stuff!)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ooops How could I forget

When I was wirting my review of the 35th Annual Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention, more specifically the tribute to Jimmy Nelson, I forgot to mention my buddy Donald Woodford and his amazing scrollsaw artwork he presented to Jimmy.

Donald does amazing scroll saw work of all kinds.

Here is the photo of Donald with Jimmy.

Sorry Don..wait..I dind't forget it..I just saved the best for last..yeah yeah thats it.


Friday, August 5, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 9

Saturday July 16th

"Write a 5 minute act with Jeff and the guys".

After the Vent Haven Tour we made our way back to the Drawbridge to get a good seat for Jeff Dunhams lecture. Each year Jeff does a lecture and this year he was excited to share so many news things with the Vent community. Before getting into the topic of writing a 5 minute Vent act he shared with us his excitement of a new technology called 3D printing. 3D pritngin has been around for a few years but has come a long way. He showed us some things he had printed such as a pair of Charlie McCarthy hands, a Brain Gear that worked as printed along with a working cresent wrench! When i say working I mean they had moving parts that worked after being printed! Too Cool!

It was very cool to see his pure excitement over this new technology and how it can be used. He was like a kid with a new toy and it was neat.

Jeff also shared with us that there will be a new Comedy Central special coming out on September 25th with the dvd being out the following Tuesday. Well I preordered my bluray already and you can too. It will be sure to be another great show with Jeff and our friends Walter, Peanut, Jose, and ??? There will be some new surprises in store and a reintroduction of an older routine that I am very excited to see..lets just say Peanut is taking Jeff on to prove he can be a Ventriloquist too. Peanut will introduce his "Little Dummy" and do his routine. Having said that Jeff told the group of his hope to have 'Little JD' available for sale in stores by the end of the year, which would be Extremely Cool! Lets keep our eyes open for them at Christmas time. I know I want 1..or 2..
If my excitement for this new special and the potential for a cool new "Little JD" vent figure aren't obvious let em say this..I Am excited about this! Jeff has done SO much to bring Ventriloquism back into the forefront and prove it can be cool again. Thank you Jeff!

By now your saying..what happened to the "5 minute act"? Well we did spend about 5 minutes going over the key points of writing and putting a 5 minute act together and it was, as always, good information, but by now everyone was a buzz with the new Comedy Central special, 3D printing technology, and"Little JD" that there wasn't much time left. Great presentation Jeff.

After Jeffs Presentation it was time for the "All Star Show"...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 8

Saturday July 16th

After being lazy bums and going for Starbucks we made our way to 33 West Maple for the coveted Vent Haven Museum tour. The gem that is Vent Haven goes unnoticed I am sure by some who drive by while others from around the world make way to the Mecca of ventriloquism. Since it is against policy to publish photos of the inside of the museum I will say this..Go! You will not regret it! (To those who don't know this policy; read the posting in the buildings and please repsect them)

W.S. Burger and all who have followed in his footsteps have done a Stellar job of preserving our heritage and history. With many figures and books, photos and displays of all things Ventriloquism you could spend days and not truely see it all.

If I lived near there I would have to pay rent because I would be there more then home.

It was nice to see Jimmy Nelson sitting, relaxing by the newly named Jimmy Nelson building and to be able to get a personalized drawing from Kelly Asbury, author od Dummy days.
Of course as always Mark and Chris Donahoe were at the road greeting folks as they came to the Mueseum. Mark and Chris are two great guys who make the ConVention a blast every year.

We finished up this years tour and headed back to the Drawbridge to get a good seat for the upcoming Jeff Dunham Lecture.."Write a 5 minute act with Jeff and the guys" presented by Who else? Terry fator...nah just kidding..Terry had already left the day before. Seriously, Jeff Dunham puts together a lecture every year to present and this years lecture was a treat for many reasons...'ll have to come back for the next installment to find out why ;)

See you there..or the case may be.


Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVention part 6

OOps I seem to have put up installment 7 before 6. Here is number 6 out of order. Boy is my face not really..enjoy.

Friday July 15th

Today was a highlight as it was Group Photo day and allows for everyone to meet and take photos with others and their puppets/figures. This year they were filming for a new documentary so they took the photo then staged the coming and going of vents as they came for the group shot. Should be interesting ;)

Bob Rumba’s lecture on “taking creative photos” was very interesting and fun to watch his creativity in action. Bob uses so many interesting promo photos and has SO many characters and looks. Bob is multi talented as a ventriloquist, magician, balloon creations and Great impressions of such noted personalities as Ed Sullivan, Barney Fife, Charlie Chaplin, and many more.

At 3:30 we were treated to “A conversation with Terry Fator”. Terry shared his thoughts on vent and his success. Some inside stories of his characters and the process of being on America got talent. Terry then brought out Winston for some quick exchanges. The new Winston is a beautiful puppet and would be great to see more of him. After the conversation between terry and Mark Wade Terry made himself available for photos and autographs. This is where things were not so organized and really made me realize how immature some adults can be. The guy I was sitting next to started pushing me to rush the stage while I was behind the camera crew and had no where to go. He then began swearing at the gentleman next to him who was just trying to catch up to his wife who he had become separated from. Tamara was about 5 people ahead of me so I just stayed back and got her picture with Terry and made for the door. I guess my point was patient everyone will get the chance for a picture if they are just patient. I thought everyone was mature and adult, I thought wrong in this case. LOL